[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

The Lying Darkness has won


spit it out

This will run for 2 more hours.

arete was lying darkness and just tricked all of us to claim LW


2 more hours of me not doing the thing

Ok for real though, discourse is fucked up right now ands i have to keep refrshing to get new posts and this is getting unbearable


we fell victim to one of the classic blunders

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also that image is cured

i feel like eevee’s gonna change those colors after every night
in which case I think would signal crazy quantum bullcrap

but yeah, gender makes sense for now

in which case, @eevee-sama you got the colors wrong, sylveons are 87.5% male and 12.5% female


If something like Lying Darkness was here all names probably wouldn’t be in the OP.

I think the colors have something to do with what alignment someone is.
I’ll need a list of people who openly claimed Mafia to help me out

i’ll laugh if it turns out that arete was a class similar to lying darkness and is really close to winning because we all just claimed our factions
actually i’ll cry because that’ll be the second time i lose mere hours into day one

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they’re character genders

I’m pretty sure even eevee wouldn’t just randomly put everyone’s alignment in the OP

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Oh… Fuck, I wanted to go big brain

You know one of my picks was a pokemon character

Wasn’t a pokemon but

or maybe…?

I have a feeling that eevee wouldn’t do something like that.

Just a hunch.


which one?

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ok but for real this prob my favorite one