[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

I mean, last game I was a wolf, I was the one posting more content than everyone else in MYLO and was locktowned essentially.

How dare you leave me out of this list :angry:

Yes I am back I just did a 1 hr practice test in 15 minutes

That was bad

pat Good job

He’s talking about a game on MU, not Mafia Academy

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c o n f i r m e d n e u t r a l f r u i t v e n d o r

Aretes account has been stolen by aliens

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Skimmed EVO’s ISO, yeah, he’s perfect for killing. Only water there.

They only have 1-2 wallpost

implying town here

This is one of many posts bandwagoning onto the “mafia” claims - not suspicious on its own. Also explains the town implication earlier on. However:

refers as “wolf” and not “mafia,” long before the 2+ factions thing is revealed. Feels like TMI.

Again, TMI.

Reason why I brought up the whole talk about flavor/alignment, although I couldn’t find it again at the time.
Why the hell would you explicitly point it out?

I might be wrong but I think this is the definition of a strawman

good joke

Why does this seem wrong

the wallposts meta hasn’t actually been true in months

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gtg to sleep bye

but you wrote a wallpost once in that one game and you were that one alignment so you not doing it here means you must be the opposite alignment?

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But why did you suddenly feel like ISOing Astand though?

I want to ISO everyone
starting with the person who’s most hostile towards me ig

Whatever. Can you answer the question?

I did. That’s my response up there

I’m here for another 30 secs before my mom catches me sneaking my laptop under the covers, AMA

You might need to ISO me too then.

I mean those.