[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Am actually gonna pass out again honestly be back in just under four hours it’s 3 am again for me.

5 Votes on Evo and only have 7 people’s votes ping me with votes so i can register them will post updated votes at the time I wake back up.

even random number generation seems to think EVO is lockscum

and that was a reaction test what he used to vote me in vanilla nightless so im definitely pretending that that 1/7 roll meant something

if he doesnt do anything by EoD i definitely want him out but if he starts posting i think his alignment will be a bit easier to decipher

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I am actually going to bed now.

I’m too lazy to do much more at this moment. I mean, I could read katze or something, but that seems too much to bother.

Alice’s towncore seems fine, only thing I wouldn’t put Hippo in the core just yet. (on principle, as I don’t believe his attitude is completely outside of his ablility to fake as a wolf).

But he usually becomes super villagery when it matters.

just use a random number generator

it’s way more fun than actually reading players

Well in vacuum I could say it’d be unusual for a wolf to do things quite as nonsensical as you do.
That’s about sums it up what I think about you now, judged just from posts I remember.

im pretty nonsensical

although i suppose my last wolf game that just ended today i was a lot less so, mostly because i subbed into a slot i deemed as being doomed

and the one before that i died n1 but i think i did a few things that wolves don’t usually do

like claim i was a wolf on d1

i think we’re the only two people in thread though

and you’re more serious than i so it’s a bit awkward

I think it was after LOTR FM that I became unable to be completely not serious at these sort of games.
(because I didn’t care for most of the game and didn’t do well as a result)

if i took FM games seriously 24/7 i’d have no fun doing it

i solve when it feels right

and 28p D1 no lynch doesn’t feel right

i suppose my nature of being a very not serious person is to blame though

its hard to get myself serious enough to actually look like im trying

although behind all of my memes are usually some purpose :eyes:

not gonna pretend that a random.org read list has much purpose i just thought it was funny

i do have a question for you though, astand

im too lazy to skim your ISO so you’ve probably already said something whats your read on icibalus?

my first impression was lockscum and i can’t seem to get that idea out my head

I honestly bought Ici’s explanation tbh

I’d like to let him do some stuff before making a full judgement though

I defo don’t think he’s lockscum

Their behaviour and emotions after learning the LW stuff seemed pretty belivable, and I felt I could relate to them.
So I consider him a village lean, you could say (I don’t remember too much of content from, so that’s why I won’t put him higher)

do you think that too many people are being village-read for their ‘reactions’ towards being a ‘LW’?

For most of those people I have better reasons to townread or townlean them in addition.
Ici’s reaction was more elaborate than most of people.
If you ask if I’m misclearing someone, likely. Wouldn’t know at this point. (and number-wise I don’t have that many scumreads)

Why did you feel that Ici was lockscum?

this is my main point of concern

nobody seems to have that many scumreads

pretty much every ‘scumread’ is on an inactive, from what ive seen… i know the joke is that wolves on this site slank but come on, lets not kid ourselves :upside_down_face: surely some are actually posting… right?

well if you look at their first posts you can see me and them interact

and at the time i just didnt like a thing they said

and now my brain kind of refuses to see it differently?

I personally think it’d be hard for me to sort this problem out before the ITA sessions begin, so that’s why I’m not trying too much rn.