[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

But what about that other 25% of the time, we don’t have time to just waste a day here!

…I haven’t watched BSD, but I hope this is you RP-ing because we aren’t in actual danger yet.
We don’t even know whether there are even PRs in this game after all.

Proposal accepted. That’s already 7 villagers. 21 left to go.

…yep. I really want to vote you for existing alone, but I can’t. Not yet. orz


there were like two good submissions total



i agree
i was unable to get angie so i couldn’t make yall bless up under threat of death

trying to keep my agression minimal this game. And relax, to many toxic forumers

yeah and i was both of them

and my bad one got picked


psa u have bad taste


Accuracy doesn’t matter much D1. It’s secondary if you are correct or not.
So I disagree on principle.

Was my submission one of them?

I tried to be accurate as possible

I think orange was talking about the characters.

Although I did think it was about the OP at first aswell.

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…sigh. I dislike and like this kind f behavior at the same time.

Its time for me to make food. I will return shortly after I finish.

hey u guys wanna see a good joke?


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my life?

Oh wow so many pages to go through!


Your writing style this game is weirdly formal

Are you changing it deliberately

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@katze has revealed as an innocent child!

haha get it cause its april fools

…and your reason is? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Ami, as much as I love Junko’s craziness, I will ask you to stop doing that.
It’s distracting me, and I am not even playing properly yet.

Sadly I think cloned admitting to not wanting to scumhunt is slightly villagery, and I can see a villager having his perspective (even if it’s not a great one). So w/e, I’ll chill now. (and probably will just go to sleep)