[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?


eevee’s been replying for like five minutes and it’s starting to make me nervous :eyes:

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Alright here we go

Let’s say we have a game of 10 “villain” characters and 18 “good” characters, based on flavor. (I think that was the flavor number but I may be wrong.) So now eevee goes through, and assign alignments. Let’s say there are 5 scum, 22 “town”, and 1 neutral.

There is a very high chance that, among the 5 scum, at least 1 has a “villain” flavor. For this to not have happened eevee would have needed to purposely select alignment based on flavor, which I highly doubt is the case. No correlation means that eevee randomized alignments - “villain” flavors can be scum.

Now people start discussing flavor. Nothing wrong there, since that is probably the only info we have now. However, if someone comes and shuts the discussion down, it means that they may be the scum that has a “villain” flavor - one whose flavor is alignment indicative. Eevee’s statement of “flavor is NAI” only applies for generality, not specificity. Thus I see the people who shut the flavor discussion down as our potential scum candidates, scared that the connection between villain flavor and scum alignment will drive them to getting killed D1.

/vote astand

Event 2

Remember, when I told you that students have no power to expel someone from the school?

Well, there is one exception.

Student council president. The ultimate power of the students.
Also somehow always a “best girl” in each anime.

You know, she is perfect, the most beautiful, calm, smart person in the whole school.

So… instead of standard lynch today we will have a school council president election!
Once elected, president will be able to expell one, chosen person from school. Without a flip.


To elect your president, simply write /best girl [name] in thread.

And yes, only players with female characters can be elected.

Anything interesting happened that I should be aware about?

another d1 win is incoming :eyes:


should be pretty evident if you’ve played with me

i do stupid shit

also because, well, reactions.

told y’all nerds there were gender specific events

elect katze for president

/best girl katze

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Oh come on! Todomatsu’s feminine as hecc. Are you sure he doesn’t count?

/best girl @Arete
trust this one the most, then prob Astand

1 townie dying <<<<<<< 0 townie dying

but I do see how people disagree on principle

Do we vote with usernames or flavor names

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Prolly use this to get rid of slanker slot.


Katze should not be president. They are not serious enough for them to be in a position of power, they would not make a good use of it.

elect me so i can immediately expel this fucking hater

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…welp. So much for trust. @PoisonedSquid, talk more about the times when scum claims mafia first in a reversed alignment game.
I literally 99% read Arete as villager until I read this post.
Having more than 1 neighborhood is suspicious to me.

i swear if yall vote me as best girl imma fuckin shoot someone

Ok so let’s play a reaction game.

We all give one Trait of our character.
Anything about them.

I’ll start.
Squid or Octopus.

we know ur flavor?