[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

maybe you were roleblocked or something? IIRC eevee’s run set-ups where invests aren’t told when roleblocked before


if it would be helpful I could tell sulit something she wouldn’t know by herself in my neighborhood, and she could post it in the main thread? but it’s kind of hard to do that without getting into potentially angley territory

Ironic that asuna tried to kill kirito

check if a player did


i have an idea but if what happened to you happened to you then me saying my idea would probably just be -EV

if what i think happened to you happened to you*

@eevee-sama can you give us SoD links please?

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I am for a Katze beheading currently

give me a 5 paragraph MLA format essay why you want me dead and ill tell you why its all dumb in 2 words

…why does everyone do this?

why do you think

apparently you’re good at FM but afaik this is our first game together alice

so you’re not in a special alice pile in my readlist

i just don’t have a readlist lol

i’m going to give luxy a vest tonight for that sweet sweet self confirmation
somebody else protect arete kthx

if it makes you feel any better i’m pretty sure they do the same thing to marshal

@SirDerpsAlot like im half serious about this

im self resolving so idc about you shading me

but im curious because your reads on arete and i seem very different from the consensus reads and i’d like to hear more about both of them

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more seriously: you’re a strong enough player to look like you’re gamesolving, even as scum, and I’m aware of that so I’m not going to clear you for it until you find some wolves, die, or get copped

I’ve specifically been burned by confident incorrect townreads on you before so I know that finding you villagery doesn’t make you a villager

and you’re bussy enough that even if you did find some wolves I still reevaluate in LyLo

I am currently reading the thread, ping me if you need something. A list of what has happened so far would be much appreciated too.

SeLf rEsOlViNG

im self resolving

Fuck off with that

he doesnt believe me and im not sure why