[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

No not that. The Context

i went ahead and skimmed through TL’s iso and didn’t really find anything about a scumread on blue
but that could be because i fucking skimmed it

Reread this:
I can’t find any reason for village to shoot Blue over Lendun unless they’re scumreading Blue .

That’s what you wrote

i think that’s how it works dry

I searched her Iso for Blue and Bluestorm and didn’t get any results

Oh, I think I get it. You are saying why would I refer to someone from the same faction of mine as villager?

if you scumread someone you uh

shoot them


that looks like a normal sentence? confused Arete noises

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*[quote=“Arete, post:5573, topic:81017, full:true”]
that looks like a normal sentence? confused Arete noises

Yes but look at it from a whole.

dry can you just fucking explain we have better things to do than sit in suspense okay thanks

So he said “Village”
Referring to he knows “Good Guy” did the shot or is claiming for “Good Guy” to have made the shot.
But in reality the only ones that would have shot is TL or the other evil Faction/potential neutral.

Are you saying why am I refering Blue who flip mafia as a village?

According to Apprentice the Town isn’t a threat to the Mafia

If you believe another town made the shot then you still are jumping the gun as the statement you made was an estimation not a fact.


When you say Village it means your referring to the uninformed majority.

So Boss is saying “Blue was probably not vig’d by a townie”

what is wrong here

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