[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

you ruined it

nk dtz knlzwji ymnx tzy dtz’wj f rjlf sjwi

They’ll have to explain regardless. I want to see what they do with the shot.

u monster
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/REKT KyoDaz

I am tired of the foolish fools of this foolish country!

I’ll ping fk

@Kirefitten @eevee-sama just in case

yeah yeah that ain’t stopping me

this pinged me somehow

kind of like scum going “yeah yeah I DARE YOU” hoping that they’ll scare off that person

It’s dumb, I know, but it’s the only thing I have

I like to figure out riddles :man_shrugging: I’m going in expecting nothing

good luck have fun

i forgot how many i left behind tbh

you’re not wrong

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I’m mainly skimming for numbers. But I’m never gonna figure out the acronym


of course…

who else but arete

Fuck I lost the game. Thnx kat

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arete would you like a riddle?


I don’t like Boss’s Vote

I want Boss dead.

/Vote Boss

anyways to answer your actual question, I’m treating basically everything related to Alice’s General Emotional State as NAI; there are probably alignment-indicative trends but for some reason I don’t super want to go read through every game where toxicity has ever been an issue and try to figure out what they are

I get where you’re coming from with the point about her not wanting to be copped but IIRC she seemed more to be annoyed than scared (which I guess are both emotions but that’s not the point), whereas as a wolf I would expect her to be more nervous

I absolutely don’t think she’s out of her wolfrange but I also don’t actively scumread her, at this point I’m mostly just keeping an eye on how accurate her reads turn out to be :upside_down_face: