[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

well u did my work for me, couldnt remember and i was the cohost. Knew he didnt speak much

See how ridicolous this RT is?

Anyone who’s a consensus TR or in the townbloc would refuse it.

im… not even gonna bother

I assume you’re making a point to katze

Pretty much.

Of course I refused to be checked as it’d be far more productive to check a null read.

Honestly only if the cop wasnt sure of my slot, it wastes time, but if they go and do that thats like any doubt gone out of anyones mind. But if cop seemed semi or good on my slot no it prob be a waste

/vote Ici

I scumread both Ici and Kyo but Kyo’s village range includes enough blatantly ridiculous things that I think I’m more confident in my Ici read

can you just drop this alice

i don’t want to lose my patience with you but you’re starting to get close

It’s what a mean with the Kyo-Zone.

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the issue I have with that logic is that you’re harder to read than I am? like obviously I’m biased because I can only see my own play from my perspective, but you could in theory be a wolf this game so the check still has some value

if that makes sense

Also, you said both me and Ici are scum/scum. Why is that, DryBone?


A big part of your case against me involves this RT, so of course that I’m going to debunk it.

right now the thing with them is they did a big dumb move, they should have healed Luxy. Instead they wasted it on mist. The thing is his move seems most like a bleed/poison as its a 1 night late kill like poison and bleed, but he goes and wastes it on the first person that says yes. Is out of village Kyo prob not. Is it making me think they arent trying to even solve Luxys slot yes

you’ve made your point multiple times

i still scumread you

get the fuck over it

Like, I’m still very suspicious over his 180 over Italy, but the way he softed that he’s going to OMGUS shoot Luxy is just feels like V!Kyo.

Kyo is Null but Ici is my townread, I would rather vote Kyo.

Honestly we should just vote Ami instead since none of her abilities is proveable and she only talk about them?

A lot of things he does is sus, his whole townplay is sus. Claiming prince for no reason other than get people off his back. Its just i dont know where to draw the line. Am i sussing them too much, idk. At this point if one action made sense to me I could be like sure, but none are atm, his poe still has Luxy in it

Can someone also quote Jgoes LW soft.

Everyone should just vote for who they prefer, tbh.

/vote Hippo

It’s plurality here, so spreading the votes is a good thing.