[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

confused Arete noises

i am also confused
i don’t generally forget about entire games like that!


here’s the game thread :eyes:

you weren’t in it!!

then why were you convinced i was? have you replaced me somehow?

we were talking about chemist

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I literally never said you were

your name is not chemist

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thank you katze

so in conclusion i am idot

anyways kat I basically have Mist in ‘can die’ territory

thats kinda where i mentally shelved him as well

more precisely hes in “scumlean null kinda just existing” area with like 4 other people

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arete who do you think are the most likely potentially miscleared players

my guts telling me astand and im not sure why?

like my readlist feels like its all townreads/townleans and i don’t like it

shrug, im too tired to actually ISO the people im unsure about so maybe ill finish it tomorrow

how likely is it that i can convince you nerds to CFD to alice :eyes:

my gut is saying Derps because I disagree with like all his reads and he’s fooled me before

but like

I kind of want to go for the easy wolf flips before trying to figure out who if anyone I’ve miscleared

like Ici

@Icibalus stop hiding in wolfchat :angry:

i’m not
it’s just i legitimately cannot read anything right now

nor are my services in any way needed

i mean the whole “solving your slot” thing is kinda useful?

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