[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

I didn’t think that I’d have to confess this shit so early.

Yes, I fucked up because I didn’t have foresight here.

Putting a vest on a player in the PoE instead of a member of the towncore is bad play.
FPSing by fakeclaiming isn’t bad and everyone does it here. It’s only me that gets fucked up when I FPS as per what happened in LoTR.

You could.
You decided not to, maybe you felt it would look convenient if you said he was scum, and that you wouldn’t look as good from claiming it.
Maybe you felt it’d be more convenient for you to shape discussion with EVO being village (for whatever reason).

I don’t have a need to explain why you didn’t choose to do some specific thing you could possibly do as a wolf, but chose not to.

What would I do most probably as a wolf?

my theory is that the cooler the quote, the higher a chance you have at landing your ITA

alice who would you have us lynch instead of you

I don’t even know your true role, or the real gamestate if you are a wolf.
So I wouldn’t know.

Even if you could lie about EVO’s alignment, doesn’t mean it is somehow absolutely impossible to tell the truth as scum, and that you would take every single opportunity to lie.

Because the standard for your play ought to be higher than most people.
FPSing is mostly done very badly on this site and doesn’t help anyone.

As of rn? I’ll have to re-read how this went. Hippo taking time to re-eval feels odd to do as a wolf as he has the ideal situation to ML me if he’s one. Ici maybe. Cloned disappearing like this feels too convinient. Astand… I’m seeing slightly V behavior from him.

I FPS as well.

I lie as town all the time. The entire reason why I’m in this situation is because nobody here’s questioning why I lied just that I lied.

I don’t even think lying or FPSing is inherently suspicious

I just think that this particular FPS feels awfully convenient

Here’s the reason whyt I lied. I wanted not to seem suspicious because White Goo is a fucking idiotic and nonsensical role, and nothing bad would happen if I lied about it. I didn’t lie about EVO’s alignment as that’d fuck the village up.

inb4 ‘Arete you’re a bad player who relies too much on mechanics’

But why would I lie about EVO’s role and tell the truth about his alignment?

Why did I actually decide to out my full-claim instead of just fixing EVO’s claim?

I’m trying not to fuck up the town with my lies here.

I certainly did think about your explanation on why, and I didn’t find it very convincing.
And thinking of wolf motivation for lying about having a cleaning role and pretending to be a sort of investigative role isn’t hard.

Whatever, I’m getting tired of this conversation.

That’s not it. I do confess that my lie was extremely wolfy rather than the LotR desperado shot. But the point is that I was wolfy as I was not town d1.

if you didn’t actually know his role but did know his alignment?

Why would I confess that I had a cleaning role? I could have just not touched my own role and just talked abotu EVO’s role.

I already prove that I knew EVO’s entire rolecard from EoD1. I just didn’t mention it because it was an extremely unlikely role to exist and people would suspect me for it.

No, you didn’t confess about your ability to clean, that’s my point…

You wouldn’t confess as scum, and you didn’t.