[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

two towns have flipped, the town wincon is known although not in a way that usefully answers the question

Oh sorry :frowning: Stops flirting with uninterested lady

i mean i could always grab some wine
set some candles

I only have to clear threats to the town.

math go drink some water and come back in a few mins

I thought Ami was an adult?

goes to drink lots of water

i’m practically an adult
work full time
pay taxes
do adult things

I heard someone claim Ami was 17.

just 2 more months until i’m an adult in the eyes of the law

Math I just told you that she’s 17


Yeah nope that’s creepiness when I am twice her age. Nope nope nope.


like we can argue about the abstract idea of what makes someone Truly An Adult but she is legally a minor

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You are lucky if you can legally drink at 17. I still can’t legally drink at 20, but here I am with a beer.

i like how i degenerate every thread im in

this is The Amy Effect

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How about I just run away with my head between my legs and we move on to Mafia please?


yea sure…legally…
sweats in fake id

good idea

let’s do that

I think we should just play the game instead.

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I think I’ve talked myself back into Wazza over Mist