[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?


Vote Count

Voted Voters Votes
Boss SirDerp 1/7
Ami Zone 1/7
Mist Datbird Cloned Arete 3/7

Day ends and only ends when majority is reached.

No one


If I die today and we myslynch that’s almost definitely game

I would lean against healing Derps here

we need to resolve his slot and realistically if he doesn’t die to poison we end up shooting him to death tomorrow because, well, he hero-shot two villagers

Exactly scum dosent hero shot two villagers lmao

can me get me a response

Yes they have Mathblade NDFM

I don’t shoot two villagers when I have a chance to be healed lmao

Kinda sad you all think I’m this bad at scum

ask eevee in your class card

U would also consider asking for opinions on shots before you shot if u wanted a heal

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I’m starting to think that this is a problem with people on this site in general, not only the scum faction

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maybe he’ll tell you something more useful than anything he’s said to me

Right, ok then.

I prefer to do my own thing

But, may I ask, do I save it or do I die?

last time you were scum you invited a villager to scumchat mid-game for a joke


That game was a joke arete