[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

I think you have a better chance of winning with exodia

timelords are annoying as fuck

when does day end btw?

“This deck can’t be use because the card Gold Sca### is banned.”

my deck is great
but it relies on abilities and power
which eevee gives the biggest middle finger to

Just search for timelord counter deck?

i could erase a blue eyes chaos max dragon and still win in just 2-3 turns

Italy wanna practice with me

you’ll get destroyed

Imma play a bot while I learn how to play

They just did like 30 things and idk wtf just happened

You can Duel me.

Italy fight me so I can find out how bad I am

bots have archetypes
ritual bot is the embodiment of fear

I am using Exodia so you will have a lot of time to figure things out.

https://duelingnexus.com/game/NA-RLPYGB @Apprentice

I am glad I am alive to end game just to play this event.

Idk how to play this game help

i’m disappointed that i am alive to end game just to get my ass kicked by eevee
because i know i’ll lose

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I ran out of time cuz I didn’t know how to do anything

apprentice are you gonna join or what

What should I replace Gold Sarcophagus with?