[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

neither of my neighbors is in the obvtown towncore


ok then i misinterpreted someone’s interactions with you

I wish I were in a neighborhood with Astand

nah ur already masons with hippo.

that may or may not be who i thought it was

nod nod

i want a neighbor :frowning:

I have mason And neighborhood

that seems unfair I got neither

Life is unfair

uhhhhh hi

I forgot this game existed since I wasn’t pinged in the thread

multitabling rules

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well obviously


what faction are you

Well read up and respond as you go

I just speedscrolled down so I didn’t read much, hope this forum has an ISO feature :confused:

mafia and waifus are town factions if you weren’t aware, it’s weird

when u click on someones name press
the number of posts in topic

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It does, click on someone’s profile and then click the ‘x posts in topic’ button



I just got an idea for a game where mafia has taken over the town and the town need to retaliate

are you claiming mafia