[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Why did you jump to this conclusion? Looks Anti-Town to me.

I guess this is kinda Pro Town.

This seems anti Town but I haven’t read the conversation you had hear so I could be miss judging.

Or we could wait a day and lynch them/slank vig them instead to get their rolecard info

Okay, that’s mechanical ignorance which we can ask the host when they get here. If the kill is mandatory then we’ll take off from there. I don’t see why this is a problem.

This is the only point I’ve seen so far that’s somewhat effective but I still don’t believe it’s worth the risk.

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All your other posts while some are good content, their also not alignment indicative.

I disagree.

It could but we wouldn’t know that.

We can find out. We don’t know if it can be used or not is not an argument for actually using it.

There’s literally no evidence to support this.


@ChopChop give me a definition of pro-town & anti-town

Wait, so by pro town you mean town slip? Why are you trying to based most of your read on an unreliable stuff that can be fake and rarely happens?

Pro Town to me is someone who slipped themselves as not Mafia.

Did something only Town would do.

Yeah, and not all my reads have been “naked shit” either.

On phone now.

3rd post was made when i still believed to be scum.

1st post had intent to confirm you. If there were nore town, itd make you prettyy much legit, as scum townies wouldnt be claiming for your sake.

Making a read is alignment indicative.

I’m of the opinion that if we can avoid flipless lynches then we do so at all costs.

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I’m saying I’ve made Pro Town content.
So you have a problem with people making Pro Town content?

Flipless kill is just silencing someone, we don’t get anything out of it other than a person that’s not talking anymore, which is honestly worse than someone just slanking.

Sulit, as a dark mode user, you’re killing me here with your pfp

Uh… okay, so to clear some things up.
Pro-town is an action in which only benefits town, directly AND indirectly.
Anti-town is an action in which in most cases benefits scum, and it’s usually indirectly however it can also be indirectly.

that’s the point

And if every lynch is a flipless lynch, does that mean we might as well let scum kill us at night?

This isn’t a valid argument because we have literally no evidence supporting that every lynch will be flipless?

You equated “Pro-Town content” with “townslipping” which are two very different things.

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