[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

I’m not going to explain what a goon is or what it does, but yeah… I feel like the name itself is an ability claim

Poisoned if they kill a vt (when they could kill a PR) then that’s good for us. Normally I’m restrictive in my claim. The only reason I did it was so that I have less space to maneuver in the future, which should hopefully help people trust me

I compared their posts this game and their posts in ToL FM.

I’m not getting the same impression from them I did in that game.

It kills all scum in the game and we win!

Or it’s a mass Roleblock.

So your claiming Green Vanilla Townie?

Okay I Megumin has returned for a short time.

I see nothing major had happened since my last departure.

Except Lend talked just to say bye can someone explode them? Or better yet allow me to use my explosion magic on them.

We I can confirm the the event will not do “Kill all scum” for obvious reasons I think it’s more likely to kill part of the uninformed majority.

Also you are poisoned?
Do we assume this to be Anti Claim?

4am brain forgot about apprentices thing and thought town was anti wincon and that if they gave neighbors we might get scummates

Im claiming vt, a type of role. i am aware of the faction swap.
in fact, if you look back to when i first claimed vt a bit before what you quoted, you’ll see that i immediately followed up with “or rather, a mafia goon”

im not poisoned? i was referring to the player, PoisonedSquid? and responding to squid saying not to claim with an explanation as to why i claimed a vt??

are you saying you don’t know what The Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Event in Human History is or that you don’t know what The Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Event in Human History does?

So as “Goon” do you have a chat or faction kill?

i know about the faction swap

I know what it is and have three guess as to what it is.

I believe no matter what it shouldn’t be used right now.

how mafia is actually the uninformed majority.
and shame on you for trying to capitalize on something like that

i know what it is
i just have zero clue in game terms what it does

No I am seriously asking.
Dude I am Town not mafia role.

im reflavored vt. as i claimed

Why are you not claiming no ability mafia Traitor then?