[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Visit me tonight and tell me what you found.

I can’t

Not particularly

but its neat
and we have cookies

Ok so your a role that can’t move.
At least not Day 1.

If Simon claims a role that visited Night 1, EVER throughout the game.
Lynch him immediately.

Night 1 not Day 1*

I’d laugh if your Cult and we are dealing with 2 different evil factions.

i play osu, does that make a weeb

leaving for today, will come back tomorrow if day doesnt end by then

I’m vt

Or rather, a goon

Nice to see you show up.
Hopefully your next upcoming content will make up for your absence.
We will see.

i mean
i sorta am i cult leader in terms of flavor


dae Ultimate Despair

How many times do I have to say this? Do not claim your role Day 1

Especially if we don’t have a lynch

What role did they claim?

i can i claim my role if even I don’t know what my sole ability does

They didn’t say an Ability.

other than The Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Event in Human History
which i dont even know what it does

so like how can i claim