[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Simon seems suspicious?
I’d disagree.

Do you need me to show my full work?

hope you’re doing okay



…why do we have to do linear algebra in a FM game?


fuck, that should have been in rules

WTF is this shit?

It’s suspicious because you actively have to read in this game. If you don’t read it’s like watching a show from the middle of it. If you are willingly lost then there is a chance that you are trying to mislead or fake stupidity.

Please don’t tell me Scum can Manipulate this Via role.
That would just be Bastard!


No U.

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Null Entrance but a Good One.
Looking forward to your upcoming content!

Oh god oh fuck I just caught up and now I know what it’s like to not get a math problem.

its pretty easy

ill tutor you

what does math remind you of?


who’s a nerd?


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I mean I’m a high-schooler and I have no idea what some of those words even mean.

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unfortunately most people don’t get to learn linear algebra in high school

Oh, yes, exactly what I needed.

Please help.

also can we talk about how doing linear algebra before multivariable calculus is objectively the more reasonable order and yet 90 percent of places do multivariable first

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i half remember how to do this

im just deliberately not trying because math hurts my head