[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Taking notes is encouraged

I have an abnormally good memory too but you still beat me.

Why’s that?

It’s school

I got the entire OP right except I didn’t know how to put text in color. I didn’t need a screenshot or a good memory to win. Those are your hints

What if someone just says the answer and we all win.


Would we all be 1-Shot Day Vigilantes?


[Color=#HexCode] Text [/Color]

this is a very specific reward given the first events reward was asking a question

eevee pls I’m already struggling enough in my irl math class

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im trying to think if its +EV to give everybody the right answer or not

on one hand scum get rewards

on the other, scumteam probably has at least one person nerdy enough to know this

thanks for the tip on how to change color I thought it was a mod only power haha. but yes I got the entire OP word for word including the pictures

I just think it’d be hilarious if we all became 1-Shot Day Vigilantes.

you are the nerd messiah

Can someone explain in normal english what the math problem is?

Apprentice’s trick is definitely going to turn out to be ‘having a copy of the OP saved’ or something :eyes:

Eevee, we’re not math geniuses. How the fuck are we supposed to get this right?

the problem is written in English

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It’s college freshman level my dude

does anyone have any objections to this?

I didn’t take math classes in college my freshman year