[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

No math is fun but I don’t even understand what the problem is lmao.

i assume getting it wrong/not trying isn’t gonna be detrimental since theres absolutely a decent percentage of people here who don’t know how to do this

and i don’t trust myself with any ‘rewards’ here

so i submitted the answer


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‘we could teach X before Y, but that would make physics majors sad, so instead we’re going to teach Y first even though in order to teach Y we have to start off our Intro To Y courses with a couple weeks of teaching people the basics of X, when we could just teach X first and not have that problem’

I mean eevee didn’t say there’d be a reward this time.

But not doing homework is probably bad?

It’s normal.

As all homework in all schools I atended to was always compulsive…

Something bad might happen if you get a bad grade or don’t try at all.

Even worse if someone repeadatly get bad grades… they might find themselves… expelled?

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I told you not doing homework was bad.


So cheating is your conclusion!
I like it!

the thing is

i skipped homework pretty often in school and still passed cause i did classwork well :eyes:

boomshakalaka I knew knowing some maths would come in handy at some point

Decided to give an answer.

hey if someone gives me the right answer i won’t do anything for them

i just dont wanna remember how to do math

I’m like 90% sure I got both parts right

Also Apprentice did you ever answer ?Arete?'s question about whether or not you have an eidetic memory?

also there’s an implication here that school is gonna last longer than 1 day

or that we’ll get more homework

and i don’t like either of those

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I’m 90% sure I got nothing right at all because I didn’t even read the question.

fwiw this is college-freshman-level stuff

Shouldn’t be that inaccessible

I have an abnormally good memory but it’s not eidetic. I used my secret technique to win event 1