[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

It’s a 28 player game people gotta die somehow

im pretty sure theres gonna be ITAs

We give partial credit based on the attempt and work shown

I said I don’t think everyone who fails it will die. I think a chunk who fail it the worst will

probably but still

I don’t even know where to start on this question. I didn’t think we would be required to do math for a mafia game.

Like what does ℝⁿ even mean? I’ve only heard of 0, + and -.

Well I submitted answers.
Although I used online matrix calculator for boring stuff.

I’ll give a real answer in awhile

@orange can I answer this

n-dimensional space basically

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I’m at 300 rn. From the get-go Hippo’s pretty villagery for his joking/shitposting tone and so is Astand for being very direct and trying to lead conversations. Arete should go without saying.

Wolves around that point are likely amongst the players that were just focusing on talking about the gender color and whatnot as the mech-talk then occupied most of the thread.

That’s your vector space

R1 is the number line
R2 is the x/y plane
R3 is the x/y/z space

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it was a role in a uPick hosted on ToS!

Oh god… more than 3 dimensions…?


part A of the problem is entirely 3-dimensional

yeah I wasn’t expecting to deal with 4-dimensional space today but I think I need to adjust my expectations

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im considering the drawbacks of just not trying

I think I’ll just start tomorrow or something.
Maybe sleep will help.

I mean it won’t but maybe it will?

eevee specifically stated that we could use “all of our chats” to collaborate. This is one of those chats. So is posting work/answers here still cheating?