[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Astand do you want votes for student council president?

/vote Arete best girl

At this given moment, It is my belief that Arete can lead us the best.

like its all in the op

Are you Ikaigo from Hunter x Hunter?

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How can I do that if a reverse alignment game has never happened in this site before? And I’m not talking about the ones where Unseen are the uninformed majority since that one’s publicly stated

Is our Flavour Names revealed?

Now, I have to go make food before I get off schedule.


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my passive is good for being president

Sure I want, why not.

You have any rationale for me specifically? You thought I was behaving like scum before, so what changed your mind?

/best girl Arete/Claudia

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Am I allowed to even vote Katze? They aren’t really “female” flavor, at least not fully lol

/best girl Arete

What is your motivation for doing this?

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i can confirm you are allowed to vote me

But yeah, I agree that Arete’s pretty townie based on behavior. I’ve been able to tell when they were acting scummy before and I’m not getting any of those vibes right now

/vote Best Girl @Arete

**/best girl @Arete **

I didn’t realize flavour names were revealed.
I wanted to test to see how comfortable each player was on revealing a trait about their flavour character.

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i assure it is in all of our best interests that i win the election


I trust you and Arete the most but I think you’re better at FM than Arete.

The fact that Mafia is the town faction changed my mind.

the asterisks have to be next to the last thing you type. for future reference