[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Good Guy*

The transition here is actually worse than I thought.


Can you explain why you believe his claim so easily?


he wants to believe it because he’s hoping i’m going to bribe him with a vest

laughs evilly



wait wait wait

hold on

hold on

something doesnt add up

wait nvm

false alarm

I still think they might be scum.

Bad Guy*

what is it lassie
timmy fell down a well?


i didnt see this part in your original claim and i thought you saying “my vest might have popped” was you baiting for more ITAs

i do, however, still think your claim is bogus


Dry Bones is Mayor and the event lasts until the end of Day 2. Dry Bone’s next Vote is the lynch for today.

Oh wow really? Thank you FireKitten!

It looks even worse if you look from the SoD, tbh.

Kyo was originally for shooting Italy as well and only started defending Italy when I started pushing hard on him.

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the only valid explanations are

  1. i’m legit
  2. i’m a “ITA immune evil”
  3. i actually fucking have plot armor and you all just got memed

… How is calling yourself lame a cool quote?

Try again.


boom he admitted to it

bye scum

his feet dont work, its an inspiring moment for his character that eventually leads to him being able to use his powers to let him walk

oh no you caught me
explodes into confetti, declaring good win

Here was just stating a possibility.
Smh. Katze what are we going to do with you?