[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

i think it’s called a joke

IK, so was I.

give me headpats

this is stealing and i’m calling the police

oh wait
we’re in an isekai
then i’m calling the guards

scum don’t get headpats, sorry

then why are you getting headpats instead of me


**You get a Vacuum and a couple of ass scratch’s. **



can you answer my question please

im sorry but vul is my romeo now

because my claim isn’t literally awful

what makes my claim awful


Amy can you answer my question please

I’m thinking Italy may be legit for other reasons, tbh.

I don’t plan to claim unless I need to.
My claim benefits scum more then Town.

because you’re basically claiming knight as assassin

“romance ended with arete, now vulgard is my Romeo”


you do you, alice

i do me

and me thinks italy bad

it’s extra insulting because of who you’re talking to

Stop focusing on claims. This is what fucked up town in LotR.

Take a look at the interactions between KyoDaz and Italy.