[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Oh… Alright, time to find a Todomatsu quote

Who were we shooting that was immune?


Italy said his vest protect against all sort of attack, even ITA. All shoot on him was missed. It’s either that everyone luck is just bad or someone hit Italy but it’s hidden as missed.

Yeah I call bs on that, he said it so late.

What happened?! Was there a cockroach in the bathroom?!

/REKT ClonedCheese

@eevee-sama @orangeandblack5 @Kirefitten

Hit! Poor Cockroach didn’t stand a chance. Wait you meant to hit Cheese? Well you failed.

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what is the ita chance in this game lmao

it’s probably 0% unless you got a boost lmao

who was the one person who successfully shot?

goooooos morning vietnam


imagine being able to shoot

rises from the depths of hell
i did

Italy was the only person to hit and he got second in the event thing. I bet base ITA% hit rate is fucking 0 or something lol.

even zone missed
and he got first place

To hell with it.

Do you have an ability which increases your chance? Be honest or you will be sad.

ah yes
“Bulletproof vest giver who also improves ITA chance
the perfect class

Yes or no?

considering i was targeted by half the ITAs that have been fired i wouldn’t surprised if my vest is gone already, but i also wouldn’t be surprised if you all somehow missed every shot in a firing squad