[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?


ok gimme a sec

i’m just guaranteed to land ITAs because i’m ITAly, the god of ITAs

“When faced with a decision… At such times, we must choose only one option and it can be very confusing. When that happens, simply using your head and changing straight into the obstacle is a fine option.”
/REKT Clonedcheese.

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if you were hit it would say hit but no one has died normally. it literally said miss so i think everyone missed.

it does hide hits

@Kirefitten is online atm

I mistyped like an idiot I am.

What how is that a vest

You never said that to us?

it’s a vest
the important part is the fact that i’m still breathing

could’ve sworn i did

It turns out that you are very bad at charging at obstacles. Miss!

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Wait, I think I forget something.

What if adding a picture (like Italy did) increase the ITA chance?

i added the picture because i wanted to meme

Memes increase ITA chance.

it would’ve been perfect if i actually killed scum

okay i have to ask
what is this a reference to

“Good Morning, Vietnam”