[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Probably this?

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I’ll just call Informed the Bad Guys

Welp. Now I am really not liking you, Arete.
Still, you’re obv!villa and the one to get the power, so it’s your choice.
Even if you’re right, I will still dislike your choice.

ISO eevee and check on Event 2.

Squid. This isn’t FPS. I don’t believe that Arete is FPSing. He sighed in relief, in text, after I claimed mafia. I literally DISBELIEVE a world where Arete is scum. (Damnit, there goes my doubt of him having 2 neighborhoods.)
And given that you haven’t experienced a game where alignments are reversed, I will always see your reason to doubt Arete as weak or non-existent.

Memes > Game
Plus, Arete will win anyway.

The forest is a place where life is born, and nurtured.

Before, in time, it returns to the earth.

The forest has laws.

So the first event should and in ~5 minutes and that’s the only reason I’m still up tbh.

Reposting this for others thoughts.
Do you all disagree with my point here on Zone or agree that what he said to me is contradicting and just trying to use pointless shade.

I thought Zone’s reaction to my Mafia claim seemed villagery

CFDs are a thing, you nerd.

We’re talking about text not words. You can type words and lie. I’m not talking about acting here.

Then again, I don’t know why we’re still having this conversation if we both think Arete’s town for different reasons

Yeah but his thought towards what I recently posted didn’t seem right.

Dude i just finished a 12 hour shift at work to get home and find out of the game started…

If your gonna go and kill me immediately after that just do it now cause obviously am not gonna change your mind cause i can tell it’s made up already.

Like i literally came here to have fun and if your gonna immediately hold a gun to my head and threaten me its not gonna make me play “harder”. let me play at my own god dam speed.

Megumin 1

You must remain within my line of sight.

I think Zone is trying to puppet Arete.
Don’t let him puppet you! Call him fat!



So you’re saying you couldn’t read the mood either? What kind of villager takes 30 minutes to understand that mafia are villagers and town are scum?
I dunno why the fuck you kept openwolfing. Maybe you are powerwolfing, maybe you keep mistaking the word TOWN for VILLAGER, wasting us a solid 30 minutes. I don’t know, but I DO know ONE thing.

@Arete, thunderdome us!

Oh right that doesn’t work here.

…what doesn’t work here?

Do you mean “Mafia” town or scum town?

Ok hopefully I get it right this time.
Informed = Bad Guy not Mafia
Uninformed = Good Guy not Town