[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

[quote=“DryBones, post:754, topic:81017, full:true”]

Good Guy!

We must exercise caution-

I told you that I was going to give you a chance to prove yourself.

Zone is nearly lockvillage based on meta FWIW

Explain it to me.

I agree, caution is important.

Yes. There we go

I’m specifically looking at this part of his post for my meta-read

What’s Zone’s meta again?

As scum Zone tends to be much more cautious and when he tries to fake villager!Zone it comes across as kind of forced

Zone shouting that he’s going to thunderdome someone over 1 mistake is 99 percent village!Zone

This isn’t alignment indicative IMO.
Zone’s a good player capable of saying stuff like that regardless of alignment.
He still hasn’t responded to what I gave him which I don’t like.

Yo Zone.
Don’t be scared to give me your thoughts as well!

Ah, got it. He did make me a bit confused during the whole conversation we had, so I guess as scum he wouldn’t try to do that?

Then again, I think I’m just arguing with him just for the point of arguing. His point’s pretty valid

If I knew the rules that I wouldn’t have done it in the first place.
Even @Mistyx knows I don’t read stuff.

Worst case scenario, both me and DryBones are villagers. But hey, I don’t care. I just want him dead for the sake of getting rid of him more than anything at the moment.

First of all; Arete is the only nerd here.
Secondly; I don’t know why we are talking about this either. Did you plan to shade me, or probe me? Either way, CFDing to anyone else other than Arete is a stupid thing to do, but I am not CFDing if I was already on someone else in the first place.

Yes. It doesn’t seem right. Just like how you wasting 30 minutes saying you are “town” doesn’t seem right either.

(How the fuck does that even work?)
@Arete, how the hell am I in any state to puppet you? Also; I want you to kill DryBones regardless of what it takes.

I really hate my own meta.

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I only play the game and find the bad guys.
It requires me to read so I do.
I don’t go and look through the entire thread as the bad guy is always going to be a bad guy so no matter what you can always figure them out.

I am not liking zone currently.

…Arete, one day, I will use this meta against you as scum. “One day…”
orz I hate it that I have to do this every F-ing time I rand town.

It’s more of a probing thing. I don’t think there’s anything I find scummy from you

Plus he ignores me and picking and choosing other posts I made because I refused and doesn’t want to respond to my other one.