[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?



Thank god I screenshot the original OP and have it written down word for word lmao.

None of you guys should even bother at all to win.

Psst Hippo. Can u share the answers to the homework?

something something Don’t break forum guidelines something

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Ok sweet I’ll change it slightly dont worry


But seriously, one of reasons I don’t like FoL is lack of D1 voting, so I’m actually disappointed now for the ruined RVS at least.

I tried to cheat in the competition but Iv failed

Its april fools I’ll change it in 3 hours 17 mins

random ita stage when

We could still host a in game vote to kinda setup like a poe if so I can start making vcs

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Probably whenever I will be asleep.

3.5 people will care about that tbh.

i know i’m going to lose because 1. i have terrible short term memory and 2. there’s 100% gonna be that one guy who took a photo of the OP for no apparent reason

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If it helps 3.5 people including myself idrc I’ll get to it when on my pc

I… am HAPPY to get the character that I want!

Well then, with RVS going on I am clearly less motivated to talk, so I will abstain from joining that.
Instead, I will participate in the event, for the sake of participating rather than winning, since I haven’t done events in a long time.

Oh, and uh… I won’t be roleplaying my character, but I do want to see Derps RP-ing his, so I am asking you all to like his post in P#28. He only needs 3 more likes!

…having said that, I actually dislike @katze only saying “meow” in all of her posts, so I will ask her to stop doing so. …well, maybe now is fine, but please don’t keep saying “meow”.

Can u share that. I’ll like it

Actually I can just scroll. We in like the less than 100 post stage

meow, meow meow meow meow… meow :cat:

votes Arete in spirit

Arete’s opening lacked in energy.

katze locktown meow