[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Katze do u have a post restriction? If not please get on to on topic posts



He obviously wouldn’t have such a post restriction, he’s trolling.

Counterpoint it’s a eevee game



One that prevents him from saying anything? Come on lol.

okay so I’ve been talking with one of my neighborhood members

there’s a game I played on another site where the uninformed majority were the Witches and the informed minority were the Magical Girls and everyone spent like the first hour thinking they were lost wolves because Witches were the “bad guys” in the show

and – my class card says I’m Mafia, so the normal assumption a normal person would make is that I’m scum, and I have a passive that looks an awful lot like a passive a lost wolf would have

but my abilities make no goddamn sense for someone who’s actually scum, and I talked with one of my neighbors and they also claimed to be basically the same thing

and maybe I got galaxy-brained by my neighbor here, and I’m actually just a garden-variety Lost Wolf with town abilities to fuck with me

but I don’t actually think so? and like – half the game has been softing LW, and that’s probably not coincidence

so uh

I think Mafia might be the uninformed majority


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I feel like she’s doing it because of her flavor

You for real?

can someone please tell me if I just outed as scum

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meow, meow meow meow :cat2:



sorry, just habit


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whats the passive you have called?

That’s got to be an April Fool’s joke. According to the OP, there’s the town and mafia. I seriously doubt Eevee would switch that around just for the fun of it.

Town as Mafia… freaking ridiculous

/vote Arete


this is either the part where it turns out that arete just got bamboozled and is about to die
or just galaxy brained and mafia is town and town is mafia