[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

remember how someone said “a watcher would be broken” (I think it was Apprentice or Boss110)

well guess what

I’m not a watcher
I’m a blurry watcher
Not just a blurry watcher, but a odd night blurry watcher

Meaning I’m even more useless ar a power role
However, I am also the even night rolecop
I thought that was somewhat balanced but seeing that half the people are vanilla, I think I’m actually powerful lol

And I investigated Derps, and I got that he was what he claimed: a “duty-bound interlooper”. I 1) don’t think that’s a cult role and 2) believe that Derps has told the truth about a lot of other stuff

@Wazza I think you want to heal Derps

So did u see his allignment?

I is rolecop

but would an interlooper be a cult role?

It’s Eevee


Like no it’s not, but also it’s Eevee

what does the blurry part mean

Like anything is possible at this point. I had a neighborizer in my scum team in jojos

blurry watcher: can only tell how many people visited someone at night, but not their identities. AKA motion detector I think

Interlooper: A prince without killing or protection

Duty-bound: cannot target same person twice

A temporary neighborisor

But I also take people out of their chats

my brain is like ‘even rolecop sounds too strong to be on village’ but then it’s also like ‘there was a reflexive janitor on village earlier why are you expecting any of this to make sense’

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I mean
half the town is vanilla

Vote Count

Voted Voters Votes
Boss SirDerp 1/7
Ami Zone 1/7
Wazza Arete 1/7

Day ends and only ends when majority is reached.

4/15 = 1/2

Let’s just never hammer and let this game go on forever

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but Ici’s role was a backup Cult Leader

Arete it’s an Eevee game why are you questioning things

Question to people that actually play this game:

Can an interlooper be the cult recruiter?

Didn’t you claim someone specific visited someone earlier?

/vote Mist