[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Oh you just said no visited katze

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Vote Count

Voted Voters Votes
Boss SirDerp 1/7
Ami Zone 1/7
Wazza Arete 1/7
Mist Datbird 1/7

Day ends and only ends when majority is reached.

additional note:events will become increasingly more dangerous the longer day lasts

I called out katze for claiming someone visited them

Then it turned out that DatBird had screwed me over

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Just don’t join events

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oh no

We prob should start a lynch wagon at this point

/vote Mist

this one is also fine

honestly I have no idea what’s going on this game


I’m kinda hesitant on Mist still but there’s no one I really think is more scummy than them

sure I guess
/vote Mist

what did they do wrong again?

just keep the day going and force wolfy people to join events

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Vote Count

Voted Voters Votes
Boss SirDerp 1/7
Ami Zone 1/7
Mist Datbird Cloned Arete 3/7

Day ends and only ends when majority is reached.

or we could end it now

@orangeandblack5 discord

nothing in particular but they’re deep in the PoE and haven’t really been villagery

my biggest concern is that they shot at Ici on D2

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that seems ominous :eyes:

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At this point I feel like all but one of my scumreads have been wrong and like all my townreads were right. So like I dont even know wtf to do anymore. It’s not like anyone listens to a shoot list

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I still don’t get why Boss is town

You’re afraid of my jokes but not of my gun

