[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Fuck no. I’m finally not busy now.

sulit > Boss > clonedcheese > Arete > SirDerpsAlot > Italy == Apprentice

(Why the heck would I want to vote myself?)

both of you. chill.

Current votes lynch order:

  1. Sulit
  2. Boss
  3. Arete / Zone / Cloned
  4. Derps
  5. Italy / Apprentince

(1 being most wanted lynch)

I’ve seen sulit typing for the last hour and a half


Okay so, I asked the hosts if I could get VCs at certain times and they said yes. I’m starting with this because I think it’s the most important information I can share.

iii wasn’t allowed to copy and paste the VCs but I asked for a VC right after I voted and right after Wazza voted.

Right after I voted Arete, cloned. Dat, and me were on the wagon. And it was 4/7.

Then, I asked for a VC right after Wazza voted. They told me Wazza died before he voted, but as of post number… 11341, the Mist wagon was still Arete, cloned, Dat, and me. And it was 6/6. So I don’t know if there was some fuckery going on there just because of the whole nuke thing or if someone outside was involved, but it had nothing to do with me.

You can ask the hosts for these VCs.

Secondly, I’m a mafia goon. So, Arete’s check on me is wrong. This can mean two things in my eyes: Arete is lying, or their action was screwed with in some way.

Players remaining are

Arete/Could be lying about the action but couldn’t have really fucked with the results because they’re the one claiming it.
Sulit/I didn’t screw with anything.
Derps/They might have been able to. They claimed temp neighborhood creater and destroyer which is pretty confirmable, but I’m also pretty/very confident they’re a convert because why would Wazza heal them otherwise. Scum but unlikely to screw with it.
Italy/Claimed 3-shot BPV giver and unlikely to be scum given the whole Math thing. Unlikely to screw with it
Boss/Claimed action delayer, I don’t trust them, they could have some sort of second ability that screws with actions, iirc they haven’t claimed who they targeted last night.
Zone/Claimed Mafia Goon. Could be secretly a role and screw with it but I still doubt it.
Apprentice/Arete said they were a goo in Harem chat. They could have screwed with it.
cloned/Claimed watcher/rolecop. They haven’t confirmed the rolecop but the watcher is pretty believable. They could have screwed with it but if cheese is scum I’m more confident that they are exactly a poisoner.

So if the action was screwed with the screw withers are probably within Apprentice and Boss.

Secondly possibility is Arete is lying. Which I think is entirely possible. Again to the players remaining list, we have


Assuming Derps is a converted cosplayer, which I’m pretty sure they are, and assuming the other cult has a cult backup and a cult leader, and they have the same convert night thingy as the other cult did, then,

All the possibilities rn:
Cosplayers v Cult v Town
2v4v2 [Unlikely]
2v3v3 [Kinda likely]
2v2v4 [Unlikely]
1v3v4 [Most likely IMO]
1v2v5 [Unlikely]

If it’s 1v3v4 and Derps is the last cosplayer, then the remaining cults goal would be to get rid of town. If they get rid of one, it goes to 1v3v3, then convert, 1v4v2. They win. I cannot be lynched or killed today in this scenario. Which is why I believe that Arete is lying. I think this goes the same if it’s 2v3v3.

Not only is Arete the most likely to be converted, if it’s 1v3v4, which I think it is, they only need one more mislynch to win. I think Arete is lying about their check on me to pull the winning mislynch.

If Arete is scum as I think they are, and Derps is converted, then the remaining players are Italy, Boss, Zone, Apprentice, and cheese. I want to remove Italy and Zone because I think they are both unconverted and likely town. That means the remaining scum are in Boss, Apprentice, and cheese. I’m leaning Apprentice and cheese rn, but it could be a combination of any of those people tbh.

@clonedcheese idk what you’re on but I haven’t done any night actions.

TL:DR: I think Arete is scum and lying about their check to get the last mislynch they need to win the game. I think two in Boss/Apprentice/Cheese are likely to be scum with them and Derps is a cosplayer convert.

/vote Arete>Derps>Boss=Cheese=Apprentice>Italy>Zone>sulit

sulit sleeps

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Maybe it’s a day poisoned? Or he might died tomorrow instead. Don’t know.

Also, Arete, what is your night results? Did you get “Sulit is not a member of mafia” or maybe something else?

Time for a 2-page long wallpost because this may be my last contribution in a while

  1. Waifu clan’s conversion was probably “convert a town member every non-prime night”, explaining a mafia member dying n1. The Cosplay clan carried out the kill.
  2. As someone stated before, I think the Cosplay/Waifu difference is gender. However, there’s no mention about gender in Wazza’s card; thus, it’s probably just the starting members’ genders.
  3. The two cults probably started out with the same number of people. Thus the waifu clan probably has at least 2 people.
  4. Every night, we had 2 deaths, so no cult was successful in recruiting. However, last night was a prime night, and only 1 died; presumably, only the Waifu clan is alive. If the cosplay clan were still alive, then the game would be in a 4 v 4 state, and the game would be over.
Voting Problems yesterday

Yesterday, on Mist’s Wagon, there was me, Arete, you, and Datbird. Among those, we all received an event ability at least once. Mine was revealed to Arete then the entire town (ITA shot), sulit’s was stated as a mortician check, Arete’s was a dayvig, and DatBird’s was used yesterday and “revealed to the harem” way before the votes, and the mods declared “no moderror”. None of these could have influenced the votes, which means that someone’s ability was to secretly grant themselves 2 more votes.

This seems like a cult leader type of ability. Based on my last night’s check plus their D1 actions, I don’t think Arete is lying - they would have had to have been in the cult D1 to have this specific ability. Thus we can trust Arete’s check - sulit is the scum leader. Dat’s flipped so lol, and I’m not lying.

Conclusion: sulit be the cult leader


Going based on the “convictions” tab, our waifu cult would be comprised of sulit + Arete, since they are the only two females alive.


Problem: I was on sulit last night.

And I can confirm that someone attended to sulit - so Arete claiming that they visited her makes sense. However, it also could have been Dat, since dat’s ability is targetted.

Here’s my problem:

In a sulit + Arete scumteam, would they bus each other?

It seems kinda extreme.

We have two cases:

  1. My initial convictions were wrong.
  2. This kind of bussing was intended.

Let us consider case 2, and try and prove it wrong.

Day 4, one of Arete/sulit would die, and the other would gain a lot of towncred. Then they would hopefully recruit someone d5, leaving the gamestate at hopefully a 5v2.

Where would they go from here? If they get a ML and a kill that night, that brings them to a 4v2, which is LyLo.Is sulit and/or Arete that confident in their abilities? Add in the numerous townie things Arete has done, and I highly doubt an Arete + sulit scumteam is valid. Thus, my initial conviction was probably wrong.

Probable gamestate: 7v1, or maybe even a 5v2+1


/ITA sulit
I’m the best artist in the world lol


@Kirefitten @eevee-sama @Marshal

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in case it’s not obvious that’s Claudia (my flavor) targeting Somali (sulit’s flavor)

oh hi Cheese

I didn’t see your shot and now I feel slightly dumb


Miss !

i might just be paranoid but

didn’t you claim you only saw how many people visited a player and nothing else

was looking for something along the lines of “I was roleblocked” or something as the only acceptable answer

@SirDerpsAlot @Italy @Boss110 @Zone_Q11 @Apprentice
If any of you want to CC Arete and claimed you visited sulit that’d be great

Already said that I visited Italy last night.

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What are the odd that both Arete and Sulit is Cult?