[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

close to none?

At this point the only remaining cult members are probably the D1 cult people

And Arete was really villagers d1, so Idk


How do I turn off autocorrect

I like someone theory that said waifu can only convert town, would be pretty good for us if that’s the case.

We saw that cosplayers can only convert mafia on prime nights and kill on non-prime nights

Naturally my assumption is that waifus can only convert town on non-prime nights and kill on prime nights

The problem is we have a lot of town claim D1 and almost all of them have flip, with the exception of App.

people who have used their ITA:

  • me
  • Cheese
  • Zone
  • Derps

everyone else:

  • Italy
  • Boss
  • Apprentice
  • [sulit]

basically what I’m saying is that Italy/Boss/Apprentice should go shoot sulit

I don’t think I’m allowed to say the exact result I got but that’s an accurate paraphrase of it

that’s why I wanted to be sure she was claiming Mafia and not Town

@Kirefitten @eevee-sama
Yes, that’s Sulit. I can’t use letter so let’s hope someone get the reference.

I’m a Mafia Goon, so no.

What is that even…? A dynamite?

Nice drawing.


/Vote Sulit
It’s either Sulit or Arete and I don’t think we can CFD now.

Well. I tried. I’m sorry town.

Like I have no idea why you guys are trusted Arete’s word over mine. Sure, they were towny D1, but they were literally the top town for almost everyone the whole game. In a game that has two cults, with a max of two nights both could have converetd. There is no way they haven’t been converted yet.

Did you literally read anything I said. Like anything. I can’t have had a vote changing ability.

This isn’t a point against me. Arete could have done anything and Dat could have targeted me as well. Arete could just been converted and targeted me anyways, it was N3 last night if they have prime conversion.

Shoot Arete, literally.

It’s not too late to CFD, lol.

Cheese could very well be lying here and just be another cult member.

Y’all say to stop the self vote and ATE but even if I try to defend myself with logic it doesn’t matter.

shouldn’t there be events or something

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Due to the fact that there are currently only eight players left in the game, events have been canceled for the rest of the game.

This is not how italy dies

i want to know why literally everyone is suspicious this is extremely painful for my head
arete and cheese are claiming to have redchecked sulit, but if we’re in lylo/mylo they could just be pushing the final mislynch
again, there are claims of a redcheck on sulit
boss claims to have visited me, but i was still poisoned

Fun fact: there has been 2 deaths N1 and N2, meaning both cults were unsuccessful.

Yes it’s true that Arete could have been converted last night, but frankly I don’t think that would be the case. Both clans probably started with <= 2 members is my guess, so the maximum it could be is a 5v3 with the waifus.

Here’s the problem
There was exactly 1 visit on you last night
So you theorizing this doesn’t really help your position

i honestly want boss dead because of the fact they claim to have visited me
and yet i’ve been poisoned

You theorizing on this doesn’t help either?