[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

People Who Haven’t Shot


I’m not following lol

N2 exists too?

There could still be a cosplayer left?

There’s so many holes in your logic.

6v2, sorry

I’m making a lot of assumptions that seem more and more true.

Assumption 1: The waifus and cosplayers convert/kill on different nights.
With this assumption, we see that both cults were unsuccessfuly n1 and n2 in their converting. Furthermore, n3 would not be a waifu converting night.

Assumption 2: both cults started with 2 members.
If both cults had started with 3, the game would be over, since it would be a 3v3v2 now. And we have had 2 cosplayers die so far, so it’s fair to assume that the waifu clan would have at least 2 people as well. Furthermore, the cosplay cult is probably wiped out.

Thus we are left with a 6v2.

Alright so the amount of people that have ITA’d sulit is really spooking me, but I still think sulit is the most likely to be scum and gives us the most to work with on a village flip. Time to draw

Two scum factions at war would mean the game wouldn’t be called
and eevee modconfirmed the “second cult”


if you actually think I’m a wolf then why haven’t you shot me?

Haven’t had time to draw a picture :roll_eyes:

Except when I die town likely loses.

And this is true because…

And this is true because…

Literally no one is defending me. You’d think if I had scummates they’d be trying to save me.

Eh no. I guess I’m scum.

that argument doesn’t work because your scummates would have to be suicidal to keep defending you after you were redchecked

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reasonable guessing

would you assume otherwise?

Because game would be over lmao

Or my assumption 2 may be wrong and your cult could have started with just you.

I already explained above why scum likely wins with one more town lynch.

I’d point out all the holes there are in both of these but I literally don’t have time right now.

This isn’t an argument, it’s just theory crafting.

Hey sulit can you start acting more scummy so I can feel better about my shot? Thanks


Just shoot me. Listen to the most likely person to be converted in the game.

It’s been nearly three hours since someone last posted and it was me.

This day is potentially game losing for us, where is everyone? It’s like MYLO.

I don’t want to be the losing mislynch here.

I think all of us are pretty certain that you are scum :stuck_out_tongue: