[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Vote Count

Voted Voters Votes
Arete Derp Cloned 2
Cloned Zone 1
Derp Arete 1
Not Voting Boss NA

Bold Red=Locked Votes.

i’m like 99% certain it’s Arete and Derp here

@Boss110 @Zone_Q11 I need you here to vote


I know you don’t trust me, and frankly I trust Zone a lot more than I trust you

but if you’re Cult with not Derps here you still need him out, and if you’re village then you especially need him out

he is literally openwolving, he was healed by Wazza who is *confirmed Cult and he tried to quickhammer in LyLo (which always comes from scum), the best argument he’s been able to make is that he shot two town for bad reasons, which is not a good argument against him being a wolf, and he’s been defending all the obvious wolves for no reason

if you actually think it’s me and Derps then vote Derps

Why should I be voted

Because you’re a wolf

Thank you very cool

actually if we have 1 waifu and 1 cosplayer then it’s theoretically possible to lynch outside the me/Derps thunderdome

thinking face

I mean I’ve explained why you’re a wolf several times

whereas all you’ve done is spam that you wouldn’t play this badly as a wolf, and accuse me of bussing

well I don’t think it’s you or derps

I think it’s you and derps

if you think Derps is a wolf

then vote Derps

I’m not voting anything until Boss shows themselves

Right now I’m very conflicted between you/Derps/Boss

Boss can technically be cult here

hi simon


if you want to talk to me about why you’re having doubts about my slot

that is something I am willing to do

because there is still some possibility that you’re a villager, and even if I’m right that it’s you/Derps, I think you’ve played this better than Derps has and I’d rather you win than him if I can’t win

Except you know full fucking well it’s 2 Waifu and want to win

yesterday never plays out like it does if there were four living waifus


the waifus could just all pile onto one person and win that way

Except the voting was weird and Italy legit just didn’t vote so

I agree with this assessment

Here are my doubts about your slot:

  1. your attack on me is that a NK is “not plausible” in this case, and yet it’s probably the only option available
  2. You were very villager-y D1, making you a very optimal convert

Here is why I’m conflicted:

  1. If you were scum that would mean that you bussed sulit yesterday, and based on her very intricate response, I don’t think that was bussing; rather, I think it was sulit trying to frame you.
  2. You are “bussing” derps, which is highly unoptimal in this situation as scum

Here’s why I’m further conflicted:

  1. What bars out the possibility of you bussing to deepwolf?

@Arete I want to know what you did last night

you claimed to have something very powerful as the last JOAT option.

What was it?