[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Squid is this a joke, have you met eevee?

Well… that’s saddening. I’m fine with it, but I already sent the prompt, so that was a wasted effort. Congratulations in advance though!

As much as I don’t like no lynch D1, at least it is better than people voting [no lynch] on D1.
Well, look from the bright side. We can all play and/or roleplay as our anime characters for 48 hours before the mafia decides to kill one of us. …I think it’s worth the wait.

Since the game isn’t bastard, we’d have to at least wait until D2 since eevee said that there will be no D1 ITA.

You uh… you already did. I’m too late, it seems.

Meh. If she doesn’t change within 24 hours, then it probably is a post restriction.
I’m just happy I don’t have one. …unfortunately, I literally have nothing else either.

Also dont bully me if I fail miserably at roleplaying my character

This is the period of time when everyone pretends they are still town for couple of hours after Arete’s claim.

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I don’t remember him doing that kind of crap before although there has been some other crap from his other games

Including this one where we’re supposed to remember the original OP! What the-


I don’t know if I can say the exact name because angleshooting but basically paraphrased what it says is that I know there are other members of my faction but I don’t know them and they don’t know me

which like

sounds super LW-y

but could technically be true of town? or uninformed majority or whatever we’re calling them

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i think this is the part where arete dies

Out your neighbor.

inb4 entire mafia team is lws


if I accidentally outed as scum I am not going to give away a second member

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I can smell the claimvig from here. F



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Does your wincon make more sense as town or as mafia

Okay so I think I got about 20% of the OP correct.


I’m supposed to (paraphrased) get rid of all threats to the Mafia

so I guess technically it makes more sense as Mafia but it could be either an uninformed-majority or an informed-minority wincon

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Huh. Another reversed game? Yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised.
Welp. I won’t bother beating the bush. I claim Mafia.
If Mafia is the uninformed majority though… then that sucks. I was hoping to be legit a lost wolf.
If Arete is lying to get an actual lost wolf; good for him. I would be the very first mafia to die by falling to his trap in his game.

I know that you either don’t or can’t do this, but could you please elaborate why you vote Arete?
Like, there is no reason to do that until you confirm the situation.

2 more likes and yall can watch me fail at rping

I can smell my event 1 submission win from here.