[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Okay, now that’s a very shady entrance after a couple of people started having a conversation about you

no I was just at a portion where Arete is considering exiling a low-poster

I’m gratified that someone wants to acknowledge my existence and read me lol

I’m not a lowposter yet

\o/ \o/ \o/

I mean, I might soon run out of people I’d be willing to kill today without doubts nagging at my mind.
As we aren’t killing Luxy and Alice for sure.

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I thought and still think you said that to try and gain Town credit towards me which isn’t going to work on me.
I read it, but I never said I agree with it, never said you were the Good Guy.

Just a thought, don’t take it as anything else.
But this could be a W/W.

Let’s see.
Do anything!

i have homework to do and mtg spoilers to watch
wait until tommorrow

Yeah PS has moved from Slight Good Guy to Good Guy with this post.


Mainly for the last part in his post there.

A truly dedicated player.
Regardless of alignment.

squid what’s your opinion on despair

Pinged and received!
HA take that! @PoisonedSquid
Your post was invalid!

It sucks ass. Despair causes nothing but pain and suffering

you suck ass

Just saying right now.
If it gets to the game state in the game where I have no Scum reads left Other then the Lurker.
And the mister lurker doesn’t give good lurker content
I’m Lynching them.
I’m looking at you! @Simon


also despair is not wack
yall are wack for not liking it

Not much I can defend mate. I admit I don’t have good content. I don’t often have good content until some mechanics play stuff has come out.
Although note that when I say mechanic play it’s probably not what your thinking. It’s the kind that actively works better the more closed the setup is generally

simon do you like despair