I’m going for 5 hjasik because i’m not sure I trust you
Btw BlueStorm got an ability so he can kill someone in exchange for a special token
How many coins
Because we need to then coordinate our invest so I won’t vig invest same person.
Why would I reveal this? Then maf will know how much they need to spend to take it from me
/vote bleustorm /vote merc I am not masons
I think hes trying to tie the tokens
Isaac sponsor me
Yes so I can coordinate it better
/vote merc they lie
Invalid vote. You can only vote one person.
Even if he is town i don’t buy the prospect that maf won’t be able to spend more than what I can afford
no I don’t trust you
Scum af
He was literally revealed as town Isaac…
Sponsor me or you’re noob isaac
theres no ability saying you can reveal as town