[FM] Auction Mafia - Mafia wins!

And why is that?

Your scumbuddies don’t like having a PGO around? :thinking:

because you could be mafia

as mafia you can take the protection so no one else has it

so im gonna yeet you and go all in

It’s way less useful on mafia. They can only turn away possible invests once. None of which are in the pool today even.

I could also be town, why are you scumreading me?

also I just want it for my self

Answer it noob. :eyes:

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I request protection if anyone has an ability that gives them.

fien ill tell u the truth

I want it for my self so I don’t die

thats like the only protection

You’re typically dead weight as town. :roll_eyes: Give me one game where you died night 1 as town.

They won’t target you unless they are absolute idiots.


I could be mafia that targets my self

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This is also way better protection. :eyes:

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is there anything that protects me from killing other than the one im going for?

There is also this.

wait I know something I can use for protection I won’t say it tho

I’m sure a team of 4 mafia can’t figure out, what you can. :eyes: