more like Evil Within mechanics
(im joking im not that evil)
O hi Night, stop lurking or ill get the Reeve to keel u
I made two more NKs but not gonna show em’
Oh gosh we have 55 views now, this is scaring me. By the way, if people like the sign ups alot… ill probs increase cap to 20 players
Im adding more Knights of the Round Table soon
Btw I accept Pre-Sign-Ups just tell me if you cant make it though when I release real sign ups
Im working on Guinevere’s Class card now. Most likely will be pretty strong
Celeste don’t balance the game around the lore dammnit.
BUt but ;(
removes every class
Game cancelled, co-host wins. We’ll get em next time
(Thats a joke btw i would never cancel anything until I do)
I found a way.
Shurian, buddy, you need to check on those PMs
its killing me that they’re just sitting there
Its also triggering me that no one is giving bad critiscm on my classcards
mfw your co-host leaves so u decide to pull an Ici and do everything AKA Moderrors will occur
Plenty of ppl like cohosting so I strongly suggest grabbing someone else to help you, ideally with experience. Sorry I can’t.