[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Fine. GamerPoke.

What do you mean, is it?

You apologised for not answering a question asked, and proceeded to still not answer.

You’re not even trying.

I’m in school 90% of the time I’m on the forums.

You still haven’t answered the question. You answered what you thought the question was at a brief guess.

I advocate a Magnus lynch for complete avoidance of simple questioning.

I also advocate me going to sleep at this ungodly hour.

So that’s what I’m doing.

I just don’t have time to do this I’m sorry

Wednesdays/Thursdays are just the most busy time of the week for me and I just can’t sit down and read through ISO’s right now

Over the weekend I’ll have a shit ton of time but I just can’t push out reads

I underestimated how much time I’d have on weekdays to do this

Do u have any quick reads from the read through. U said u were halfway done

I just read through the thread

I don’t like Hippo, I feel like he’s being really aggressive, he usually acts like he doesn’t really care or barely cares as town in my experience with games with him

I like BlueStorm. His tone seems not-slimy

Magnus seems really odd to me but I can’t pin point why

Jake seems border-line theory as scum so I kinda liked him but I wanted to read through his other games

Ben Shapiro I think that’s him he seemed like he popped in, got really serious and aggressive, and hasn’t really made a presence since. I find him scummy.

These were quik reads with sulit

I thought I was alone.

No, gamerpoke has been here for a long time.

Generally going after LHF inactives is a scum move :thinking:

The reason he was so reluctant to out me was I told him not to say we were friends until after the game.

I’m leaning Alice being town this game her reads make sense and she appears to be solving.

It doesn’t feel like pocketing to me

That’s fine. That doesn’t conflict with what I said.
I said that sometimes it can be the right move, you said that generally it isn’t. These two statements are basically either side of the same Venn diagram

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Hard disagree, I’ve mindmelded too much with hippo for him to be scum in my eyes.

How long until EoD again?
