[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Wait wait wait wait
You’ve lied countless times about your role and your ability
And now you’re telling me that you want my vote off the confirmed scum because of something you can’t tell me
You’re nuts

“Feel like”?

Yep, in my passive.

I was saying the first three words Derp said.

Oh yeah my bad

Effect or usage of your day ability was announced in public.

Yes or no.

Nope. My ability is silent.

Okay so you’re definitely one of those 2 SCPs/Geydebot. Gotcha.

Also I have a feeling that 682 is the lost wolf, as they want to kill everyone and everything

Your flavor is jojo related.

Yes or no.


If Derp is not lynched here I’ll prevent Universal from being lynched and you’ll lose the second lynch on Universal.

You’re neutral/scum as hell

You can use a spell today.

Yes or no.

This is so scummy

Only on a certain condition.

Derp is using an ITA on non-confirmed scum yet I’m evil? No. You’re going to need to be wiped out.

Cool we’ll move onto someone else
Ben’s looking good

