[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

never said that. Don’t wanna find out if that is the case

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I think Kyo lost his bounty ability

How dare you mention that, that was private information

you said it was something that would deter people from voting me so

it was pretty easy to figure out

I feel betrayed by someone who wasn’t even on my side to begin with.

Somehow I doubt Kyo and Derps are W/W

seeing as how you’re trying to kill me for trying to kill dangrous scps

yeah ones thirdparty

They’re not dangerous, they provide benefits at the price of small negative effects.

I know, it’s a joke
I think both are Third Party somehow

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Also, not sure if them being evil in scp lore carrys over here but

Also I have a feeling that 682 can’t be killed at all
Like even lynching doesn’t work

Good. Keep it that way.

Ohh are you 682?

I don’t think that can be, Im pretty sure that woul be way op, and I need them to die for my wincon

Oh well you’re screwed

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No, I’m not an SCP. I’m saying that anyone who is aligned with the Society and doesn’t die it should stay that way.

why do you insist they are all alligned with society?

My abilities heavily revolve around positive effects towards them. No idea why I’d be helping scum. So that’s the reason.