[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Sir as the defense states this criminal offensce never happened, no murder happened. It is true that my client had an AR-15 that he unloaded, but he unloaded in the aspect of taking the bullets out. No bullets were fired, no victims dead. This is a mistrial

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Very well. Eevee, if that is your name, please give your testimony as to whether the accuseds’ intentions were to knowingly shoot Magnus.

By trying to murder magnus, Kyo murdered a kitten near by. This is clearly a planned murder.

Oh god oh fuck


I never shot the gun to begin with.

Prosecution, do you have evidence of this kitten anywhere? Otherwise, we will have to rely entirely on the witness to substantiate these claims.


I do not have evidence to back up these claims, as my suprise would denote.
We may have to delay the sentence by a day to determine the legitimacy of these claims.

(he had it coming)
(he had it coming)
(he only had himself to blame)




As the court can clearly see, the weapon was fired!

(if you’d have been there)
(if you’d have seen it)
(i bet you, you would have done the same)

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A kitten murder
Wait think about it Phoenix this is clearly false, someone would have brought this up earlier
Your honor this evidence has not been stated earlier, is there an autopsy report?source
Also I have clear proof that this Eevee is another FAKE!!!

yes your honor!

i should be called to the stand as an expert on logic just sayin

I have an objection.

There is no body for the kitten, however the kitten did disappear after losing a heartbeat as I checked it. However strangely it muttered something about revenge which is odd for a kitten but whatever.

you say there is a 15% chance that all bullets would dissolve before reaching the target?

Explain, defence. Please.

The gun was clearly fired at a bird instead.

Sir Kittens do not dissapear they have nine lives


Let’s start the revolution against the corrupt court system.

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