[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

But even then we dont know what 682s alligment

thats not claiming mafia tho

And which did u pick

Exactly we know one scp is society aligned. We cant rule the others out plus flavor is Nai

I don’t really need Ascetic that early.

Why did u want deathproof?

Because It’s AWESOME!

So Magnus, have u found any SCPs if so can u let us know

Not yet.

Simon have u noticed something odd about his CC or is it just me?

Cc is counter-claim?

Class card

What’s wrong with it lol?

Just a overlooked thing I’m awaiting @Simon s answer first

Eevee just got mad at me :frowning:

Well u should know better

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dont seem to be any logical contradictions, at least not that i can see from this
if its something else or from earlier im either blind, forgetting it, or just not realizing it, sorry


Look at the win con

oh yeah that does feel weird

Ok first no one likes survivor roles, two

Now I hear what ur saying he could have just written it wrong. Dont forget he copy and pasted his whole card plus. He copy and pasted his card before why wouldnt he just copy his win con. It’s strange that two scp doctors that are both third party both have different win cons when it would be extremely easier just to have them have the same. Occams razor would say the answer is that the easier thing would be that they have the same win con. So is one is a fake doctor I think so is it the one that’s role has already been flipped or the other… u decide