[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Which meant whoever made the statement back then (probably astand) it wasn’t really something we were meant to know or they lied? Still not sure.

So if u had to rank them from least chance of being scum to highest chance of being scum could I give me an order

Astand’s ability made this game not fully bastard but less bastard.
I believe Geyde cannot lie to us now.

I think it was Blue who said unless it said 100% to Astands fake check

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That’s also why Astand was confident about the check on Alice.
They’ve made the game permenantly less bastard.

Which is also why I was vanillized. I could do anything. Literally.

@Luxy who was ur n3 check again?

Oh it was PKR nm, still want to talk to u though

I can’t do 1-10, but I can give leanings, sort of…

My allies (I hope)

Definitely not my enemies (probably)

Somewhere in the between
Blue storm


They get their own special category

The second reveal is that there is one gamer sided scum and one society sided scum remaining. That’s why I asked you whether or not you saw the wincon.

Wheres Hja?

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Sorry, knew I was forgetting something.

Would you be as kind as to answer this Evil?

Because I can’t trust you. First and foremost. The other stuff was a misunderstanding on my part

You’ve contradicted yourself. I’m not removing my vote. You’ve been caught in your lies.

Kyo what would you say the final two scum members are if u had to pick?

I said this after what you quoted btw

There is only one scum member remaining if Evil is scum.

We were told by geyde that there are two.

thats not answering who would Evils best scummate be in your eyes