[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

Well objectively since you’ve roleblocked Kyo, its safer to lynch Ici today.

The problem is Kyo said in Icis chat he can only use abilities once per cycle. I rbed him this cycle and he claimed to use a power so ur right that he should be pretty much vannilized but how many times has this man lied this whole game. Idk I trust neither of them and I just told PKR my personal lynch order being kyo,ici, evils, maxi, luxy.

Well if he’s effectively a vanillatown/goon, then we should lynch Ici

Ur right in that sense, but my gut says its Kyo. I want to hear something fromnici before we remove him if we are.

@Icibalus I need every action you have submitted this game

Same to you @KyoDaz every action

Luxy so I want you to do some reading if ur up to it, you dont have to if you dont want to cause it might be bad for you if do, so you have to decide. Because if you do you may be punished or lose powers, but all you have to do to is say the one ur not supposed to say in this list in main chat. Then u can see a lot more context. Up to you but it’s more info

What? Let me have a look at that because I barely understand your paragraph besides ‘you need to read this.’

If u say the one on that list that isnt mine or geydebot or 682 u get added to a chat. U may lose powers but it has a lot more info. Up to u. Gtg drive be back in 25 mins

I’m not too sure…

But PKR was wolf. If a wolf claimed someone else was wolf, then that information would be hard to believe. Likewise, with you wanting to get him killed, wouldnt you just show hard evidence or express your viewpoint instead of lying or being deceptive?

Pkr also said there was 2 wolf wagons when hja, kyo, u , and Blue were being voted hes at least half right

Would a wolf mate sell out one of his mates?

Only if going for that special deceptive play

But rarely.

He also was the reason the amount of wolves was revealed and factions. Idk I trust PKR a good bit

Well u can speak to PKR and see some of the real scummy shit Kyo and Ici said so like up to you.

I really want to go with my gut and just vote…

Ugh ici or Kyo. Ici or Kyo. Ici or Kyo. I keep going back and forth.

Eenie meanie miney mo

Are we sure it is between these two?

If we are wrong, one of us dies tonight. Tomorrow would be our last day.