[FM] Clown Fiesta Mafia - N7 - Scumciety and Dr. Bright win!

I’m back form playing MtG, although it dosen’t seem like there’s much going on, in the ultimate sense.
kyo is probably villa from their claim but i’m uncertain enough that i’ll just ignore his role completely

his role supposedly has no faction or wincon. Thats the scary part

No. It’s more of a sludgy black creature.

it’s really not weird. My role is equally stupid in how it portrays my abilities, to the point where i’m not even sure what they are or even if i’m definitely a villager

Society IS the villa faction, right?

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What if there is Town AND Society?

We live in a society.

Maybe that’s a way I can’t overturn some town lynches? It’d give too many clears. Feel like my role would be a bit powerful otherwise.

Society is the villa faction, Kai said there were two scum factions, one is Gamers, and the other he hasnt said but I think its Warlocks (I swear if I die) based on my one power

do we really have to opress our fellow GAMERS

This is right before the factions are announced.

if u want the Dubs yes, if u want the fat L no

A Mage has cast


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who dunnit

I’d imagine that was Astand’s ability?

/cast conjurers calling on my 8/8 mountain giants

Oh also, the setting Kazarahn is a WoW Dungeon. If anyone would like to know.

/play my 4 mana 7/7

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It also based on an expansion from HS

Yes, I believe it’s more hearthstone based than WoW though Hearthstone is heavily based on WoW which means I aint completely in the dark :smiley:

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one night in karkazahn is basically the worst HS adventure because it’s piss easy and nobody likes the cards from it

this has been your daily dosage of Facts™